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Training seminar on online drug counselling in Tbilisi
On 18-20 June in Tbilisi a training seminar was held for 5 Georgian online counselling specialists. The seminar was another stage of the project “Drug prevention in Georgia” implemented by the National Bureau for Drug Prevention along with Merkury Foundation of the city of Wałbrzych. The training was conducted under the programme of “Polska pomoc” (Polish assistance).

Staff members of Merkury Foundation responsible for the online counselling component presented Polish experiences connected with providing drug-related assistance on the Internet. The specific goal of the seminar was to improve social and professional skills and competence of the Georgian specialists, which are necessary to launch and run an online drug counselling centre. During the training the following topics were discussed:
- specifics of online counselling,
- functioning principles of online drug services,
- scope of assistance and selection of right specialists,
- online counselling access rules,
- conduct procedures in problematic cases (critical intervention),
- cooperation between NGOs and local authorities in creating and running online drug counselling centres.
The training participant had an opportunity to gain knowledge and practical skills, which will make it possible to create and run a drug counselling website. Thanks to the development of online counselling, it will be possible to widen access to professional counselling provided through electronic routes.  
Next stage of the project, planned for August 2013, is a two-week internship for two Georgian online counselling professionals in the head office of Merkury Foundation in the city of Wałbrzych. During the Wałbrzych visit, the Georgian professionals will have an opportunity to become directly familiar with the functioning of an online drug counselling centre at Merkury Foundation. They will also be able to put in practice the knowledge gained in the course of the previous trainings. The internship in Poland will constitute a dry run of the skills learnt so far by the persons who, according to schedule, will be responsible for launching a drug counselling centre in Georgia this coming September.

Strona: 1 
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
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