The conference was organized jointly with the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe and was devoted to drug precursors and new synthetic drugs. The meeting, which took place on 12-14 October 2016, was attended by 100 specialists from all over the world. They included representatives of the Member States Council of Europe, officials of the Maghreb States cooperating with the Council of Europe, personnel of the EMCDDA, Eurojust, Europol, Interpol as well as INCB.
The conference was divided into thematic blocs on collaboration with: international organizations, industry, scientific community and third countries. The following issues were discussed: drug markets in Europe, trafficking in drug precursors into the countries of the Middle East as well as evolution and new trends in pre-precursors used for drug manufacture.
An key highlight of the three-day event was a full day visit to the International Training Centre for Combating Clandestine Drug Laboratories in Legionowo. The conference participants were able to familiarise themselves with work methods of the Polish specialists in combating synthetic drugs. In over 20 rooms of the Centre precise replicas of clandestine laboratories of synthetic drugs and precursors were built. The Centre also features a greenhouse cannabis plantation. The lab rooms are specially equipped to conduct practical training in near real-life conditions.