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The National Bureau for Drug Prevention (KBPN) implements and coordinates the national anti-drug policy aimed at reducing consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

The basic statutory documents which set out goals, tasks and activities of governmental administration and local authorities include the Act of Law of 29 July 2005 on counteracting drug addiction and the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction, which sets objectives and courses of action for the coming years.


The National Bureau for Drug Prevention is statutorily responsible for performing the following tasks:

  • developing a draft National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction as well as coordinating and monitoring its implementation in cooperation with other entities competent for performing tasks defined therein;
  • initiating, supporting and performing research into drug addiction including drawing up epidemiological assessment of drug addiction;
  • passing opinions and developing new legislative solutions serving the purpose of counteracting drug addiction;
  • taking actions to raise quality of prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes;
  • supporting and organising training courses for personnel dealing with counteracting drug addiction;
  • providing professional assistance to entities and persons concerned with drug addiction;
  • on behalf of the Minister of Health subsidising tasks of drug prevention, health and social harm reduction and social reintegration of drug addicts;
  • cooperating with international organizations and institutions, particularly the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe  and the EU institutions: the Horizontal Drugs Group and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction;
  • intervening in case of complaints and requests related to counteracting  drug addiction addressed to the Bureau and the Minister competent for health matters.

CINN is based in National Bureau for Drug Prevention.

Strona: 1 
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
- kontynuacja"
© Krajowe Biuro Do Spraw
Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii