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19th Conference of Provincial Experts in Information on Drugs and Drug Addiction
Between 16 and 17 December 2010 in Krakow the 19th Conference of Provincial Experts in Information on Drugs and Drug Addiction, which is part of a series of meetings held within the network of Provincial Drug Experts.

During the conference the most important issues of functioning of the Provincial Experts network and the monitoring situation regarding drugs and drug addiction in respective provinces were discussed. There was a presentation of the draft National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction 2011-2016, with emphasis placed on issues concerning local authorities. There was also a presentation of the latest data on drugs and drug addiction, including legal highs. During the second day an online reporting system for collecting and distributing epidemiological data from provinces to the Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction of the National Bureau for Drug Prevention was presented. During the conference there were discussions of the work progress concerning the research project into the prevalence of drug use in the general population. The project is being conducted nationwide and in 8 provinces. Moreover, European Quality Standards in Drug Prevention were discussed.

In 2011, two conferences of the network of Provincial Experts in Information on Drugs and Drug Addiction are planned (one to be held by the Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction of the KPBP, the other – to be co-held a Provincial Expert and devoted to the presentation of solutions in monitoring and counteracting drugs and drug addiction in a selected province).

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