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Report on activity of communes in implementing National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction (KPPN)
In 2009, Polish communes (lowest tier of local government) spent 64 million zlotys on the KPPN implementation, which constitutes an increase of 6 million compared to 2008. 98% of these resources were allocated to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation. 2% were allocated to research and monitoring.

The report analyzes mainly the geographical variation of drug prevention actions performed by local governments and the level of spending. Most frequently communes finance primary prevention programmes (70%). To a far less extent actions are taken in secondary prevention (17%).

Enjoy the reading (English abstract)!

„Implementation of National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction by communes in 2009 – scope of actions and trends”, Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, National Bureau for Drug Prevention, 2010.

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