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Taste of life – legal highs debate
„Taste of life – legal highs debate” is a drug prevention programme by Krzysztof Wojcieszek, the author of a number of well-known prevention programmes. This interactive universal prevention programme, designed upon initiative of the Ministry of Health and the National Bureau for Drug Prevention, targets in-school adolescents aged 15-18.

The aim of the programme is to provide young people with basic information on legal highs and the threats related to their use and consequently making them more cautious and less interested in coming into contact with these substances.  Through applying a specially-tailored method of short-term intervention it is possible to creatively draw upon the participants’ cognitive dissonance, which is related to the new knowledge and assessment of risky behaviours. The advantage of the programme is its flexibility and simplicity of use. A provider can be anyone who has basic educational experience and the skill of applying interactive methods, for example a school counsellor, an educator, a school teacher, a prevention practitioner or an experienced youth leader. Another requirement for the provider, apart from getting to know the programme thoroughly, is the basic knowledge of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, nicotine, amphetamine, cannabis and legal highs, at least at the level of – a website run by the National Bureau for Drug Prevention.

The electronic version of the programme is available at the website of the National Bureau for Drug Prevention under Wydawnictwa on-line section (only Polish version).

This section will feature some publications of the National Bureau for Drug Prevention. The books are available in PDF format.

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"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
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