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  English version / News / Conference on release of CBOS survey entitled “Use of psychoactive substances in school. Youth 2010”.
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Conference on release of CBOS survey entitled “Use of psychoactive substances in school. Youth 2010”.
The conference will feature presentations of the latest data on the prevalence of the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and legal highs in schools. Moreover, there will be information on the plans, intentions and aspirations of the Polish youth along with their material living conditions, access to information technology, command of foreign languages and their involvement in gambling activities.

The meeting will provide a great opportunity to get updated on the latest epidemiological developments in psychoactive substance use among adolescents and will make it possible to have a discussion on the implementation of effective drug prevention strategies in Poland.

The conference will take place at the press centre of the Polish Press Agency at 6/8 Bracka St. in Warsaw at 2 pm on Monday, 4 April 2011.

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