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  English version / News / 3rd Meeting of TDI units to take place in Warsaw on 19 April 2011 as part of series of meetings under pilot drug treatment demand monitoring.
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3rd Meeting of TDI units to take place in Warsaw on 19 April 2011 as part of series of meetings under pilot drug treatment demand monitoring.
The meeting will feature discussions of the changes to the protocol, major comments from the participants and the organization of data collection in the respective units.

The meeting will aim at developing a survey protocol which will be modified according to the existing requirements in order to make it easier to find necessary data.

All representatives of the participating units will have an opportunity to share their experiences and listen to the ideas of others on how to streamline the data collection process.

Moreover, a two-day conference is also being planned for the project participants in the second half of this year.

Strona: 1 
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
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