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Psychoactive substance use in general population in 2010
The survey conducted by the Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction National Bureau for Drug Prevention in 2009 and 2010 covered a representative population of Polish residents aged 15-75 (N = 1001).

The respondents were asked about using psychoactive substances in the last 30 days,
12 months and in a lifetime. The survey was conducted at respondents’ homes through the computer-based face to face interview (CAPI method). The main topic of the survey was a prevalence of legal highs using.

The most popular substances were tranquilizers and sedatives taken without doctor’s prescription. 5.5% of the respondents admitted to experimenting (lifetime prevalence) with the prescription drugs (3.6% in 2009), 3% had used them in the last 12 months
(1.7% in 2009) and 1.4% in the last 30 days (1% in 2009).

The second place had cannabis. In 2010, 4% of the respondents reported using it in a lifetime (5% in 2009), 1% in the last 12 months (2% in 2009) and 0% in the last 30 days
(0% in 2009). The last measurement shows a drop in cannabis use.

In 2009, in all three prevalence questions (lifetime, last 12 months and last 30 days) the most popular substance were legal highs. In 2010, the prevalence of legal highs use was lower compared to tranquilizers and sedatives taken without doctor’s prescription. 3% of the respondents admitted using legal highs at least once (6% in 2009). 1,8% had used them in the last 12 months (5% in 2009) and 1% in the last 30 days (4% in 2009).

More information in the report.

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