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Reitox Academy on New Psychoactive Substances meeting in Warsaw
On 4-5 September 2013 the Polish Reitox Focal Point in cooperation with the Hungarian Focal Point as well as with the EMCDDA organizes the Reitox Academy on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).

The meeting that takes place in Warsaw will be the follow up to the First Reitox Academy on NPS organized in Budapest in 2012.

Bearing in mind that the NPS phenomenon becomes one of the crucial challenges for the European Public Health policy we would like to exchange information about different dimensions of the problem and focus on improving monitoring system and development of related measures (e.g risk assessment, legal approaches, control measurement)

It will be the second international meetings organized by the Polish Focal Point this year. Information about the first one, devoted to the monitoring issues you can find on our webpage:

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