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Treatment and reintegration
Drug treatment in Poland is conducted at inpatient and outpatient clinics holding the status of public or non-public units.

Moreover, treatment and reintegration services are provided at detoxification wards, day care centres, hospital drug treatment wards, harm reduction programmes, prison drug therapy units and social reintegration programmes. There is also an offer for patients with a dual diagnosis and substitution treatment programmes. An important role in the Polish drug treatment system is played by facilities established and run by non-governmental organizations.

The Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction monitors and analyzes data of individuals reporting to drug treatment. Data on drug users in treatment are obtained from the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology which collects them from inpatient and outpatient clinics. The Centre presents the results of analyses yearly in the National Report.

Additionally, article 24b of the Act of 29 July 2005 on counteracting drug addiction obliges drug treatment and rehabilitation units to collaborate with the National Bureau for Drug Prevention in terms of collecting and reporting information on drug patients to the National Bureau. The scope and manner of the abovementioned cooperation is defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 17 October 2013 on the scope and manner of cooperation among drug treatment and rehabilitation units with the National Bureau for Drug Prevention.

Moreover, the Information Centre comissions research projects into substance treatment, its avaliability and relevance to needs.


More data available in National Reports (chapter "Drug treatment: treatment demand and treatment availability/Treatment – workbook")

Strona: 1 
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
- kontynuacja"
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