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Supply reduction
Data from supply reduction institutions are collected yearly. The data on activities of institutions combating illegal drug markets complement the picture of the Polish drug scene, which is obtained as result of epidemiological research and the analysis of data provided by institutions concerned with drug supply reduction.

The above data are collected for domestic purposes e.g. to monitor the implementation of the National Programme for Counteracting Drug Addiction. They are also reported to international institutions such as the EMCDDA or UNODC. The Information Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction collects data from key institutions: the Police, Customs Office or Border Guard. Moreover, the Centre takes initiatives to adapt the existing data collection systems to the requirements of international organizations. Providing figures on drug seizures, prices, crime and purity is required by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Although the above data are not part of the EMCDDA five key indicators, they are an important element of the data collection system on drugs and drug addiction in Europe. Data obtained from institutions combating drug supply do not always meet EMCDDA requirements as they are collected according to domestic procedure, which are not fully in line with EMCDDA standards. It is worth stressing that the lack of standardized data collection is not only the Polish problem. The other EU countries are also working on adapting their statistical systems to EMCDDA criteria.

The chief indicators by means of which the illegal drug market is monitored include:

  • number of drug-related offences against the Act of counteracting drug addiction with breakdown into types of drugs,
  • number and amount of drug seizures,
  • drug purity,
  • composition of ecstasy tablets,
  • retail process of drugs on the illegal market.

The institution which most deeply involved in the fight against the illegal drug market is the Police. Data on drug-related crime are obtained from the TEMIDA system. The basic statistical units used by the Police include: number of suspects, number of identified offences (by types of drugs), number of proceedings launched and completed. In the case of drug purity and composition of ecstasy tablets data come from the Police Central Forensic Laboratory. Figures on drug seizures are reported by the Police, Customs Office and Border Guard whereas figures on drug prices are reported by the Police or they are obtained directly from drug users. The above data are collected under qualitative and quantitative research. The data analysis of drug-related crime it must be considered that official statistics do not provide a full picture of the illegal drug market. A number of offences are not identified and the unknown number of offences against the Act of counteracting drug addiction is much higher. European studies show that the proportion of identified drug-related crime stands at mere 10% according to optimistic assessments (Hołyst 1994). There are no estimations regarding the Polish drug scene. It may be presumed that the proportion of unidentified drug-related offences stands at a similar level. Another important issue is the influence of Police activity on the number of identified offences. Figures related to respective offences show both criminal activity and the scale of actions performed by institutions responsible for combating drug supply. When actions of law enforcement agencies intensify the number of identified offences rise, which does not always have to indicate e.g. a rise in drug manufacture or a higher criminal activity.

More data available in National Reports (chapters: "Drug-related crime, prevention of drug related crime and prison", "Drug Markets")

Strona: 1 
Projekt Transition Facility PL2006/018-180.05.04
"Wsparcie regionalnych i lokalnych społeczności
w przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii na poziomie lokalnym
- kontynuacja"
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